Tagged: featured


Top 10 Modern PC RPG’s

If you really want to lose yourself in a video game, play a PC RPG. It stands for a Role Playing Game. The idea is to create a world so rich and diverse while...


Top 10 DoTA 2 Newbie Tips

After going through different phases from a total newbie player to someone who is useful to his team, I have learnt some valuable lessons about DoTA 2 which I want to share with you....


Top 10 Most Exotic Places to Travel

If you are in the mood to travel off the beaten path, check out these unique exotic places. 10 Bagan Bagan is home to the largest and densest concentration of Buddhist temples and stupas...


Top 10 Lost Treasures

Here is a list of some of the greatest lost treasures and artifacts that were lost somewhere along the course of history. The location of some of these is still unknown, goodluck finding them!...