Top 10 Lost Treasures

Here is a list of some of the greatest lost treasures and artifacts that were lost somewhere along the course of history. The location of some of these is still unknown, goodluck finding them!


The Storm on the Sea of Galilee

The painting depicts the miracle of Jesus calming the waves on the Sea of Galilee, as written in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New testament of the Christian Bible. The painting was made in 1633, by the Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn that was in the Isabella Stewar Gardner Museum of Boston, Massachusetts, United States, prior to being stolen on March 18, 1990. The painting was estimated to be worth around 5,000,000 $.



Farberge Egg

These were a limited number of beautiful eggs encrusted with jewels, crafted by Peter Carl Farberge from 1885 to 1917. They were also also called the Imperial eggs as some of the most famous of these eggs were made for famous Russian Tsars. A total of 50 eggs were crafted with only 42 remaining now. The production stopped during the Russian revolution and later on the Faberge family left Russia bringing an end to the production of the the original Faberge eggs.



Patiala Necklace

The necklace was crafted by the House of  Cartier, for the Mahraja of the state of Patiala. It was truly a grand piece of jewellery with many rare and expensive gems encrusted, including the seventh largest diamond that is the ‘De Beers’. The necklace was lost sometime around 1948 only to reappear 34 years later in 1982 at an auction in Geneva. In 1998 the remaining half of the necklace was recovered in London and later purchased by the House of Cartier. Four years later it was restored.



Treasure of Lima

When Spain was loosing control over it’s colonies Lima was no exception. In 1812, Lima came under heavy attack and to safeguard the wealth, jewels and other treasures were sent to Mexico. On the way Captain Thompson went rogue and took the treasure for himself and hid it somewhere on Cocos Island. Later on, the crew was captured and hanged except for the Captain and the first mate, upon agreement that they would lead the Spanish to the treasure. The two led them as far as Cocos Island but then somehow managed to escape. They were never to be found again nor was the treasure.



Treasure of Flor De La Mar

The Flor de la Mar ‘Flower of the Sea’ was a 400 ton Portuguese frigate built in Lisbon during 1502. On the 20th November 1511 it crashed on the reefs of Sumatra. Although Alfonso the Captain was saved, the treasure and many young slaves were lost to the waves. According to various historical accounts it was the largest treasure ever in the history of the Portuguese navy. To this day the treasure is to be found as it’s exact location is still a mystery.



Peking Man

This was one of the more extraordinary archaeological finds of it’s time. It was found during an excavation in a cave near Beijing, the treasure consisting of skulls and human bones dating back almost 780, 000 years and the only evidence of Homo erectus pekinensis. During World War 2 due to fear of being destroyed they were to be transported to the United States. Unfortunately, they never made it to the docks in Oinhuangdao, China and have since been lost.



The Just Judges

The Just Judges was the lower left panel of the Gent Altarpiece. It was displayed at the Saint Bravo Cathedral in Ghent, Belgium until it was stolen on April 10th 1934.  The panel was removed from the frame, leaving the other panels undamaged. In the empty space was a note, written in French, “Taken from Germany by the Treaty of Versaile”. The painting was never found.



Amber Room

The Amber Room was situated in the Catherine Palace near Saint Petersburg. Upon completion in 1755 it contained almost 6 tonnes of amber and was also considered the eighth wonder of the world. At the time of World War 2 the amber room was looted by Germans and brought to Konigsberg but by the end of the war it’s location was lost.



Akbar Shah Diamond

An Indian diamond which became famous during the Mughal Empire. The diamond had a rough pear-shaped outline, including two Persian inscriptions, the first reading “Shah Akbar, the Grand King, 1028 A.H.” The second inscription read “To the Lord of Two Worlds, 1039 A.H. Shah Jehan”. The diamond was reportedly part of the original Peacock Throne, purchased in 1886 in Istanbul by London merchant George Blogg. He was the last known owner and the stone’s whereabouts are presently unknown.



Mona Lisa

Arguably the most famous art heist in history, the iconic Mona Lisa painting was stolen from the Louvre in August 1911 by an employee, Vincenzo Peruggia.  The painting was only discovered missing the next day when painter Louis Beroud went to see the Mona Lisa and found only an empty wall. After much investigation the painting was recovered two years later.


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